Even After a Century, Our Hearth Still Burns Bright

Join Your Brothers to Celebrate 100 Years of Sigma Pi Upsilon at a Founders' Day Unlike Any Other

We Stand on the Shoulders of Giants.

With time’s passing, we have each gained perspective and see how the Founders' of the Sigma Pi Upsilon Brotherhood at 612 Landfair established an institution and a force that would shape us as individuals.

Thousands of young men across 100 UCLA graduating classes have passed through our house’s doors: some have stayed close, and others have moved farther away.

But no matter where our paths have led, we all share a Brotherhood that took root in 1923 as the first Fraternity at the Southern Branch of the University of California.

On February 25, 2023, let your path lead back to Westwood: return to 612 Landfair for this centennial celebration.

Come home to your house that has meant so much to so many; serve as a demonstration of strength for our Brotherhood as we enter our second century.

Sigma Pi Upsilon 100th Founders' Day Celebration

Upsilon Emerald Club (Donations of $1,923 and Above*)

Sasan Amini (2015)
Joshua Ammirato (2016)
Arturo Martinez (1991)*

Centennial Club (Donations of $612)

Adam Brockman (1996)
Larry Coval (1988)

Alan Crivaro (1976)
David Finkel (1987)
Steve Hazarabedian (1990)
Steve Lantz (1991)
Brian Letourneau (1999)
Bruce MacDonald (1997)
Judge Franz Miller (1971)
Neal Narahara (2000)
Brad Reichard (1992)
Judge John Rhode (1992)
Dan Romero (1997)
Steven Schechter (1990)
Matt Sumrow (1991)

Support an Active (Asterisks Indicates Number of $140 Donations by Each Individual)

Douglass Campbell (1987)*
Sam Cortina (2009)**
Noah Crousore (2020)*
Rojen Gharagedaghi (2009)*
Adam Griffin (2021)*
Keith Hayes (1991)*
Jason Kelly (2007)*
Chris Koutures (1990)*
Dieter Letsch (1983)*
Kent Lewis (1959)*
James Lipow (1978)**
Barry Maiten (1977)*
Michael McKenzie (2000)**
Matthew Nazareth (2008)*
Richard Owens (1963)*
Ben Perkins (1987)*

Bruce Peterson (1977)*
Nick Rackauckas (2020)*
Kevin Rhee (2013)*
Stephen Riggs (1978)*
Jon Roper (2006)**
Jay Ross III (1992)**
Ivan Tadeja (2020)*
Brian Warren (2012)*

Organizing Committee

Taek Chang (1990)
Andrew Chung (2013)
Sam Cortina (2009)
Jonathan Dolgan (2015)
David Finkel (1987)
Brian Gorman (1993)
Alfred Hernandez (1991)
Ben Kurtz (2008)
Mike Liskey (1991)
Jim Lipow (1978)
Ben Marullo (2019)
Mack McGonagill (2009)
Sebastian Perkinson (2008)
Nick Rackauckas (2020)
Brad Reichard (1992)
Ed Rhee (1993)
Judge John Rhode (1992)
Dan Romero (1997)
Jay Ross (1992)
Scott Scheffler (2001)
Matt Sumrow ('91)
Rob Ward (1991)